Relationship Connection: What’s the best way to handle friendships with exes in a committed relationship? 

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This question keeps coming up in a singles Facebook group. When a couple becomes exclusive or married, is it a good idea to remain friends with previous girlfriends/boyfriends?

Where do you draw the line with communication in any form to former relationships? Is this different from more casual relationships? Is it fair to request no contact with former close friends? Some say this is a form of control and insecurity.

What do boundaries look like with respect to yourself and your partner and how much trust should be given in honoring the commitment to the new relationship?


Navigating friendships with former partners can be complicated, especially when you’re in a new exclusive relationship or marriage. As you can tell, everyone has their own opinion based on their lived experiences and observations. While there’s no standard operating procedure that can be applied to every couple, there are some considerations that couples can discuss together as they figure out what’s comfortable for them. What works for one couple may not work for another.

Some people can maintain healthy friendships with their exes without any complications. These friendships can be meaningful and have a positive impact on their lives. However, it’s equally valid for other people to feel uncomfortable or threatened by their partner’s close relationship with an ex.

It’s essential to approach this issue with open communication, mutual understanding, and respect. It’s critical that your loyalty is to each other first. Loyalty doesn’t always mean agreement. Loyalty means that you’ll turn to your partner first to work things out. If there are disagreements on how to proceed with an ex-partner, the couple need to prioritize unity above other friendships. I’ll list out some of the talking points that every couple should consider as they decide how to include an ex-partner in their relationship. 

It’s important to consider the nature of the previous relationship. Was it emotionally charged, long-term or simply a fleeting romance? The depth and nature of the past relationship can impact the comfort level in the present relationship.

It’s also worth considering how the previous relationship ended. Was it mutual? Was there unresolved emotional baggage? An amicable ending might pave the way for a smoother friendship.

Make sure to be clear and honest about the reason for wanting to maintain the friendship with the ex. Is it because of shared interests, mutual friends or unresolved feelings? Do they have children with this person and need to stay amicable for their benefit?

Part of this discussion needs to include where to draw the line with contact and communication. This decision should be made collaboratively. Some couples might be OK with occasional catching-up messages, while others might prefer complete distance. These boundaries around contact and communication are critical because too much familiarity and casualness can lead to a competing attachment that will threaten the security of the current relationship.

Please recognize that it’s not necessarily controlling or insecure to request no contact with former close friends or relationships if it comes from a place of genuine concern or discomfort. Every individual has the right to express their feelings and boundaries in a relationship. However, it’s essential to approach this topic without being accusatory. You can own your preference and talk through it with your current partner. If this becomes a dealbreaker in your relationship, it’s important to seek professional help.

Boundaries are about protecting the relationship and ensuring both partners feel secure and respected. They’re not about controlling or limiting freedom. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and while boundaries help define comfort zones, trust ensures that these zones are honored. When trust is cultivated, it allows for more flexibility in other relationships. However, trust isn’t just given; it’s earned and maintained through consistent actions and open communication.

Recognize that you can always re-evaluate as needed. As relationships grow and evolve, feelings and comfort levels can change. It’s OK to revisit the topic and adjust boundaries as needed.

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