Dixie Technical College teaches science that innovates the workforce

Students learning in the biotechnology lab at Dixie Technical College, St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photo Courtesy of Dixie Technical College, St. George News

CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — In today’s world, technology is the driving force behind innovation. Biotechnology has the ability to reach any industry because it uses a combination of biology and technology to fuel advancements. As the biotech industry continues to expand, it creates unprecedented opportunities to shape our present and craft a promising future.

Dixie Technical College campus in St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photo courtesy of Dixie Technical College, St. George News

Whether your passion lies in healing, scientific research, criminology, agriculture or cutting-edge lab work, biotech plays an integral role in countless industries. If you’ve ever aspired to become a scientist or envisioned yourself working for positive change in the world, biotechnology could be your ideal path. But what is biotech, and how do you get a job in the field?

What is biotechnology?

Biotechnology is the crossroads of science, technology and innovation. It is a field where technicians test, study and analyze cells, molecules and other organic materials. By delving into the intricate world of cells and molecules, they harness this knowledge to create medicines, ensure food safety, diagnose rare genetic diseases and so much more. As everything around us is composed of molecules and cells, biotechnology has the potential to positively impact virtually every industry.

Careers in biotech

Simply put, people who work in biotech are scientists. Entry-level positions often start as lab technicians, where you have the opportunity to test, analyze, handle and manipulate cells. Depending on the sector you choose to work in, your responsibilities may include analyzing DNA to detect diseases, examining soil for essential nutrients, contributing to forensic investigations through DNA matching, ensuring quality control in cosmetics or food production and myriad other exciting possibilities.

Students learning in the biotechnology lab at Dixie Technical College, St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photo Courtesy of Dixie Technical College, St. George News

Lab technicians can be hired in hospitals to help set up lab tests, assist in soil samples or tests for construction companies, and analyze and ensure food safety and quality for agricultural industries or food manufacturers. The horizons for lab technicians in biotech are limitless.

The biotechnology program at Dixie Tech

At Dixie Technical College, you learn what it takes to succeed as a lab technician. You’ll start out with fundamentals in biology and lab safety, as well as an introduction to the many fields and applications of biotech. You’ll gain hands-on experience in calibrating and operating the equipment found in biotech labs, as well as preparing various samples and tests.

What sets Dixie Tech apart is its commitment to connecting students with local industry partners to facilitate externship opportunities. These real-world experiences allow you to apply the skills you’ve acquired in a professional setting, bridging the gap between education and industry.

With a one-year program, you’ll be ready to embark on a career that holds the potential to make a significant difference in the world around you. To learn more about the biotechnology program at Dixie Technical College, visit dixietech.edu. Your journey toward a fulfilling and impactful career begins here.

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  • Dixie Technical College | Address: 610 S. Tech Ridge Drive, St. George | Telephone: 435-674-8400 | Website.

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